
Protect your business from malicious email threats and remove email management overhead with ContentCatcher – an Easy, Powerful, and Versatile system with outstanding support


Businesses of small or large are targeted by the same email threats. Bad actors often have no idea of the size or function of the businesses in the lists they are targeting.


You need a comprehensive email security solution that protects your business. ContentCatcher offers packages that will fit your needs today and in the future. A simple change of your MX record is all that is needed to get started.

Award Winning Support

Many competitors reply within 24 hours or more, our support team replies in less than 30 minutes most of the time and is always there to help with any questions or issues you may have.

“ContentCatcher support is awesome, they quickly have a solution to any question myself or anyone else has and their email security service is the best we’ve ever used.” – IT Manager, Manufacturing

Cloud based Enterprise Grade Email Security for businesses small to large

Our system was built from the ground up to deal with today’s advanced threats. If your business has 5 employees or 10,000 employees, ContentCatcher is an ideal solution.

You gain:

Advanced spam and phishing detection with machine learning
Real-time URL Scanning and Attachment Analysis
Data Loss Prevention and Email Encryption to protect sensitive data
Customer support that everyone loves


Being completely cloud based, there is no hardware to manage, IT no longer will be tasked with ‘spam management’. Any support questions users have can be handled by our amazing support team.

Advanced Business Continuity

Email is still the number one communication tool for business. When your email server or provider goes down for any period, it can cost you greatly. ContentCatcher provides you with a 24/7 emergency inbox that automatically turns on when you go down. Users access the emergency inbox in our online portal which features a full-fledged email client to send and receive email, enabling users to continue work with minimal disruption.


No loss of productivity while email server or provider is down
Minimizes stress on IT staff while email issues are resolved
Protection of your reputation; no emails will be bounced back to the sender
Instantly resend messages to your mail server for up to 30 days


Integration with Office365 and Googlemail

Email is the top originator of threats. ContentCatcher is the perfect complement to Office365.

Email Archiving

Our 10 year cloud archive enables you to meet compliance easily access your data for discovery. Unlike managing your own email archive, there is no overhead, storage limits or risk of data loss. (Link to email archiving page)


Our tailored packages meet the varying needs of different businesses.

Packages Overview

Give any ContentCatcher package a try for 30 days free of charge. You will quickly see just how effective the system is at stopping spam, malware, phishing and advanced threats from reaching your inboxes. Nearly all organizations who do a trial stay on the system after their trial is complete.

30-day free Trial